Music and Design

Music can change a mood, stimulate memories, and raise or lower blood pressure. Music is a powerful force.

Our design goal is always to have our designs connect emotionally, as music does. That emotional connection affirms a design has accomplished its intended purpose.

We start any new project looking for ways to address the design from different perspectives, searching for inspiration to stimulate ideas. For us, that process starts with emotional imagination.

Emotional Imagination

Patterns in fabric, geometric shapes of buildings, art, perfectly designed furniture, and beautiful landscapes, all these visuals create emotional responses, sparking ideas.

Music has power and plays a large part in sparking that emotional imagination.

As we work with clients and their projects we pair our visual inspiration with musical inspiration to begin the creative process.

Music has always been part of our design process. The right music helps us to focus on a project at the same time stimulating the creative process. Music helps create virtually any emotion, we harness those emotional responses to create graphic design. Using music in the design process has always come naturally because we have always been music lovers. From Beethoven to the BeeGees, to the Beastie Boys and Sticky Fingers, if it’s good we love it.

Music has power and plays a large part in sparking our emotional imagination.


In 1973 I was 9 and walking past my 19-year-old brother’s room when I heard Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of The Moon leaking out from under his door – I never looked back.

Over the next while, I will use this blog to share thoughts on some of my favourite artists. Stories about what those artists have meant to me, how they influenced me, and even how they helped us create some pretty awesome graphic design work.

Who knows, some of these bands might end up on your favorites list.

Stay tuned…


Six Key Elements of Typography


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